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Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, January 21, 2011

How's your determination?

Just finished read a book about life and investment.I got some meaningful points there.Kinda good for me to inspire myself when i'm down when i feel i'm not confident to deal with something.


It's quite true when we couldn't achieve something we tried to say out something that make us to stop thinking how we gonna achieve something we are not easy to get.I should try to use my brain to think more to figure out how i going to achieve what i want instead of i give up on the moment i felt i couldn't do well.At least i should try out even if i failed.But at least i really try!
 Stronger up my determination say no to the words sure i can't do well ,sure i will fail,i can't make it.=)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Plan F:

What is Plan F?
haha,it is a Plan that to  keep my Face to slim down...
Because of gym,i bought a gym protein"serious mass"to make myself gain weight but unluckily it is not work,it work but it failed to gain my body weight but make my face heavy.My face become more round and round!Even my mum also scare that if my face keep becoming round,nobody want me this fatty!So,i decided to keep my face fit.What i'm gonna do for my face?I don't know,but i'm going to play basketball and gym everyday after the exam.I will try to massage my face,i will try to seek method that can slim down my face,i think my mum already has solution for my face and she's waiting me back home.
Hope that i can make it!
my thin face,come back to me....waiting for you urgently.
Don't make my mum worry about me...faster slim down my face then find one "xim pu"for her....wakakkakaka!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011








What's Next?

One thing i gonna do after exam is....

These all books are related to investment books and others.I must finish all these books already been downloaded to my laptop's bookshelf for long time..I've finished some but hope that I could finish all after the exam...And hope to know more about invesment!!!Books sometime are the keys to make you realise in more things ,expose to more knowledges we might not learn in our real life but books bring you to the knowledges we never expose to.In mandarin we called it "书中自有黄金屋“...Inside the books got their own gold house!hahhahaha...After finish all the books have been listed,hope to read more investment books which are more deep and very useful to me=)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's so true to me.This is the only one I Believe~♥爱上摩羯座男人♥~


对稳健固执的摩羯座来说,浪漫的爱情是深藏在内心的梦,虽然他看来那么坚强,一副“谁需要你”的样子,事实上他是很需要温柔鼓励的。“缺乏真正的自信” 常是摩羯座的通病,你必须经常的赞美他、鼓励他,他表面上看来可能是“受不了的酷”,其实心里“快乐的不得了”。摩羯座的男人是背着沉甸甸的包袱,奋力爬 上山巅的大公羊。传统、责任、理想,以及对财富和社会地位的欲望,全装在大包袱里,那就是负担,也是催促他向上的力量。“坚忍”是摩羯座男子个性中最大的 魅力,没有人能像他一样,那么不怕苦、不怕难、不怕失败。






当然光是懂得赞美无法得到如此实际又努力的男人的。他通常会选择一个“好妈妈”型的女人做妻子,经常对孩子表示爱心,会是令他心仪的美德。他是非常重 视家庭的;大多数的摩羯座男子,不会把一个不被他家人接受的女子娶回家,如果一定要他在家人和你之间作选择,是一件很痛苦的事,通常你赢的机会不大。所 以,让他的家人喜欢你,那你就成功了一大半了。

我说过摩羯座是实际的,对未来他也有着实际的野心。许多摩羯座的男子都娶了一个对他事业或是社会地位有帮助的女人为妻。因此就算你不是系出名门,至少 你也得是举止合宜,给他上司良好印象的淑女。叛逆少女实在不是摩羯座的典型,至少不是作“妻子”的典型,你可以热情大方,开朗活泼,但是行为举止还得在传 统社会规范中。或许在某些场合,他会难得放松说些轻佻的话,但那绝不表示他将认同你有这样的表现。尤其是在他的上司、老板或是员工面前,很少有男人比摩羯 座男子更重视社会地位、社会评价的。你可不要做他的绊脚石。

他是固执而传统的人,婚姻对他决非儿戏。一旦他决心要娶你,他肯定已经对你细细的观察,深入的了解,实际的评估。摩羯座的男人很少会冲动的决定一桩婚 事。他对婚姻的忠实度是值得信赖的,对于家庭美好未来的努力是肯定的。你最好也要尊重这件婚事。我在前面所强调的种种事情,婚后你最好也不要忘记,否则等 他掉头而去,你很难有第二次机会。

嫁给一个摩羯座的老公,就像买了终生保险,虽然不会常有甜蜜语可听,但你会得到一切最实际的照顾。对多数摩羯座的男人来说,把太太照顾好是他们的责 任,愈能让太太过得好,代表他们的事业愈成功,社会地位愈高。或许你的摩羯座老公会要求你把家庭开支簿写得清清楚楚,但事实上,摩羯座的老公常对太太大方 极了,只不过他要你时时记得“他”才是一家之主就是了。

他重视社会地位,同样也重视自己在家中的地位。等他的事业有了基础之后,他会把更多心思放在家里,你们的婚姻会像倒吃甘蔗一样,愈吃愈甜。就如同我一 再强调他们对财富、名望的追求,正因为这两样东西会带给他们安全感,给他们信心,当他们内心因缺乏自信而产生的抑郁消失时,你将看到摩羯座的热情、诙谐与 浪漫。那真是一个值得期待的男人。


Friday, January 7, 2011

Birthday Presents~

Erm...hehe~i got bday presents from the crazy friends...
Recently,interested in GYM.Don't laugh la...i know I don't have muscle!But,give me some times I'm going to make myself stronger but not become a muscle man la!DETERMINATION is very important!EDISON before became an inventor,his determination was finally made him become a successful RICH man.So,DETERMINATION is very important!

SO,i got a pair of NIKE gym glove..ahahaha...thank you my friends!
I know who shared together...don't worry!!!hahahahhaha....
Thank you everyone again!!!

AND this,


This still at somewhere,just use my housemate's one to replace....hahahhahahahha!

Calvin Klein Perfume:

Actually,YOU are the one I would really appreciate you as much as i CAN.I really thank you for doing so much god things to me...I really GOT TOUCHED!You know sometime I just pretend like nothing is because I don't want you to be hurt...Sorry for if I've done somethg bad to you sorry for I ignored your feeling,sorry for push you to others...SORRY OSRRY SORRY!
this is what you've given to me...i like it=)

You really suprised me.I'm not happy because you wasted your money!!!But really thank you so much because NEW Year is comung soon,everyone will like my good smell and give me many angpaossss....
zhen de hen xie xie ni!


Treat these as one of the birthday present because these consist of 爱心+关心+细心!It make me feel blissful and warm!really touching...=)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My BIG day~THe 21st birthday~

Guess what?I'm 21 now.I'm not a teenager but an adult.I can go into Casino,I can even take SEX,I can even apply credit card but don't be addicted to use CREDIT CARD.CREDIT CARD is one of the major problem lead the ppl to financial failure and even bankrupt. wakakkakakkakak...
Is too bad to have my birthday near around the exam,if not i can have a big big party at my house and invite a lot of friends and relatives to my house!It would be a great party to having everyone and reunion together!=)
But luckily it was not too bad to celebrate my bday in KL and inside my small hostel that have the capacity to fit in with 30++ ppl.

Let's talk about how the celebration was,
It's not a luxury party but it's a small party to gather everyone who gonna sit for the exam to have some funs together!I spent hundred bucks to hold this party!Not expensive foods but at least everyone can be
There got at least 14boxes of Domino's pizza,42++ chickens from KFC,fried rice,and so on!

My house don't have girls that can cook so all the foods were bought from outside!After 8pm,the small hostel have been fulled by all my lovely friends...

Everyone was devouring their dinner as I know all of them didn't take dinner because they gonna come to here and eat.

My housemate+roomate+happy fruit was soured by many of them badly...everyone wanted them took pic together and he made it~
Daric Bong+Jesslyn Tree
The best couple of year 2011=)

Some of them,after their stomachs have been fed,is time to have funs~As you know,I'm 21 sure can GAMBLE,it is legal LEGAL leGAL...We played poker,1 buck for one game.I think I  lost at least 10bucks in the game.They said me cheating but i'm NOT.
I thought I would win a lot,that's why I have prepared my calculator there to stand by for calculating the big money...but thing was not going liked what I've predicted but worst that I LOST.

After an hour,It really suprised me,they bought a cake with 2 big candles and 1 small candle=21...

My buddy Chow Chuen has the same birthday with me...

were BORN!!!

So,What's NEXT?
The crazy friends wanted both of us "la ci=KISS"...alamak~but we've made see you see

These were what they want us to act...but put your eyes on Chow Chuen because he's really FUNNY!=)

Finally,it is RAPE time, 
Both of us been raped by them,they made us have to consult psychologist,PHOBIA!
How weird the rapers were?They were extremely reckless,crazy,black-hearted,they have done many ridiculous things to my CUTE ASS!They put eggs,chili sauce,flour and so on...YUCK,disgusting!
They even treat my legs weird,they put the cellophane tape to my leg to tear my leg's hair....PAIN leh...

You can see how bad they treated me...
The only word to describe them coldblooedness....
hahahahhahaha...this is Chow Chuen after been raped by them,he couldn't stand for the insult...he has becoming insane tried to catch someone for revenged!All the rapers run run run away..nobody dare to fight with him...

Nah...the little chickens locked the door to escape Chow Chuen catch up with them...NOOB!

Sigh,the birthday ending was not very nice...

Everyone scared of Chow Chuen then run back we couldn't take a BIG pic which involved everyone who attended this party!Only managed to take this only one pic together with some of them...
In fact,I'm very happy to have you guys here...
We have join,we have fun...this is what only friendship can make...i hope it will be last forever!FRIENDSHIP CHEERS!!!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I want earn my first 1million when I'm THIRTY

Laugh me,beat me,shoot me,play me,cheat me,smack me,scold me,kill me,I DON'T CARE!I lose nothing if i couldn't achieve.hahaha...Robert Kiyosaki told that YOU MUST DREAM BIG.So,I did IT.

I should start from E then go for B and I....=)

Since my blog has been rusting for so long,nobody will read it.I don't care if you read it and you laugh at me!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

bMmILk's B'day Wishes:

My Birthday Wishes:
1.My family members and relatives keep healthy,be happy,all the best for good.
3.Gets good result in the upcoming exams...Study Smart...My coursemates all the best too.
4.My English can be enhanced in this year.
5.Achieves everything I've desired and desire.
6.Peaceful World,no misunderstanding,no friend-ship sink,without quarrel.
7.My godfather(Rodney),godbrothers,godsisters,猪朋狗友,best friends,girl friends,boy friends,Net friends,classmates,housemates,coursemates,no roomates,collegers-->all the best too.
8.Happy with single status.
9.Happy 2010 onwards....
10.Don't stop me to make wishes.I'm not greedy guy,hahax.
Finally,Happy bierthday to me and whoever has the same birthday with me .Take care^.^
2010 the first post.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rodney will be coming back soon

It's already been 5 months that Rodney went back to America.It seems like a long time.The pictures were taken when we last met at Papa's Pizza.I miss the pie made my Rodney.And hope that i can taste others food make by him.And soon,Rodney will be back to Malaysia and meet all of us.Rodney is a kind foreigner I never met before.But now he is my godfather.Ya,I like to be his  godson too and this will not be changed for good.I think Rodney is a well known awesome American , everyone around the world knows him.I'm so excited when Rodney sent me a message told me that he will be coming back on17th till 30th December.Perhaps,we could hang out and celebrate the Christmas together.But,he'll be leaving the 31th to London is quite fast for me he need to  leave again.Can't wait to follow him goes to the church and listen to his talk,make new friends at there as well.Although I'm not a christian but i'd like to know more about the religious the cultures and be friend with others from different countries.I like Rodney's life because he has  been to many countries.

Oreo pie
it's great,good taste.....

waiting....waiting.....waiting for.....RODNEY BACK!


I love being alive and will  be the BEST man I possibly can,
I'll  take LOVE whenever I find it and offer it to everyone who'll take it,
I'll SEEK knowledges from those wiser and teach who wish to learn from me .

Monday, November 30, 2009


Been a long time i haven't written blog because was busying my tasks.My study,my test,my assignment,my homework these all have made me NO time to update  my blog.And now I just created a new blog at BLOGGER.And will  stop  to use WRETCH as my blog.I've been created this blog long time ago but i never wrote anything before.Let's start my new blog here and hope everyone will enjoy it.My english is not good but i'll try my best to write out understandable craps here.lolx..
okay,that's all.All the best guys...